Clinical case study
Clinical case study
Case 1 (Severe traumatic wound of the hind limb)
Product used - Maxi Wash Spray
A dog of an unknown breed was presented for examination due to severe trauma sustained in accidental entrapment. The animal was trapped for over 6 hours. The animal’s condition was assessed as critical and immediate surgical intervention was necessary... See more - Download
Case 2 (Non-healing, post-operative wound with moderate seropus) Product used - Maxi Wash Spray, Blue Butter
operative wound resulting after sterilization and surgical excision of a mammary gland. Upon examination, the wound had hyperemic edges. Adhesion of the tissues was not observed in places where dermal tissue was separated. Observed visible purulent efflux and a partial necrotization of muscles of in abdominal cavity ... See more -Download
Case 3 (Moist erosive pododermatitis on hind leg)
Product used - Maxi Wash Spray, Blue Butter
A 3 year old male castrated Beagle presented for the examination with acute moist erosive pododermatitis on hind right leg. He was severely itchy and painful on the lesions. Upon examination, the dog's paw appeared red and inamed, warm to touch ... See more - Download
Case 4 (Chronic superficial pyoderma)
Product used - Maxi Wash Spray, Blue Butter
A 15 year old Female spayed Maltese presented with chronic superficial pyoderma affecting ventral thorax and abdomen. The dog has been severely itchy and non-responsive to Lokivetmab, an anti-IL31 monoclonal antibody used to treat pruritus in canine atopic patients... See more - Download