How to treatment wound

If you’re a parent of an overly zealous or even slightly clumsy child, you know that cuts, scrapes, and wounds are an everyday part of life. Well… the same applies to your pet. How do you know the difference between a wound you can treat at home and a wound you should hand off to your veterinarian? Here are some tips to assess and treat:
- Remember that all wounds are painful. A normal, sweet and jovial pup may snap or bite whomever is going near the wound.
- If you can see muscle, tendon, or bone, hand off to your vet.
- If you are unsure about the depth, or if the wound appears not to be superficial and not easily managed, hand off to your vet.
- Clean and disinfect the wound with an antimicrobial spray- Forticept® Maxi-Wash™ helps to remove dirt and debris and reduce the incidence of infection. Apply 1-2 times per day or as needed until the area is healed.
- If you need to dress the wound with clean gauze (wrap) to prevent more trauma, licking, or debris, apply an antiseptic ointment or antimicrobial gel like Forticept® Blue Butter™ and lightly wrap.
- Monitor the wound. Swelling, thick or foul-smelling discharge, warrants a trip to the vet.
- Let it breathe. Oxygen helps the healing process. Change the bandage every 12-24 hours.