How to protect pets from parasites?

How to protect pets from parasites?

Whether you may like it or not, your pet has probably been exposed to various environmental surroundings that include parasites. Many external parasites such as fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes are prevalent during warmer weather. These parasites can be immensely irritating to your pet, cause skin problems, and even carry disease. Remember that these parasites come from the environment so don’t forget to treat that as well, not just your pet.

  • Thoroughly clean your pets sleeping area, vacuum floors and furniture your pet encounters frequently.
  • Trimming bushes and removing brush from your yard may also reduce your pet’s exposure.
  • Apply clinical repellent if you have it prescribed by your vet OR
  • Plant mosquito-repelling plants such as lemongrass, rosemary, and citronella, and remove standing water.
Stay tuned for the reveal of our newest product: Paw-Forte – Medicated protection balm that disinfects and calms the skin.