Overheating risk

Overheating risk

 In the words of Hippocrates “walking is a man’s best medicine” and adding man’s best friend to that walk makes it all the better. Walking aids in the sensory stimulation your pet receives beyond the border of your yard and helps to maintain muscle tone and joint movement.

 During the summer months walking becomes more prominent as does the risk of our pets overheating. Dogs have a higher body temperature than we do and an inferior ability to cool down. An overheating dog can only regulate their body temperature through panting, which during the dog days of summer may become a repetitive process.

 Signs of overheating may include but are not limited to heavy panting, staggering/ stumbling/ collapsing, glazed eyes, and vomiting. During hotter days:

  • Provide clean drinking water and rest in shady places
  • Avoid walking during the hottest time of day and never walk your pet on hot pavement

Heat-related situations can rapidly become life-threatening, so pay attention to your furry friend and don’t forget to enjoy the stroll.